Friday, December 14, 2012

Oh, The Weather Outside is Delightfully Frightful!

It has been a dry winter.  So dry.  Most of us around here have been running around in flip flops and shorts, and no one thought we were crazy for it.  Until this week, it hasn't even really been cold. 

Everyone around here has been fasting and praying for moisture to sustain us in this land.  But I have to admit, my motives in praying for snow were a little more selfish.  My husband recently purchased a new smowmobile and a new truck, and all "winter" long he has been itching to get out and break in that snowmobile.  I am all for people having a hobby to relieve stress.  (My hobby is watching Netflix on my computer while making blog books and photo books, and/or playing the Settlers of Catan App on my iPad).

Anyway, it has been a loooong, dry winter.

One of the happiest sounds in the world to wake up to is hearing your young daughters exclaiming, "It snowed last night!  Dad, Rachel doesn't believe me that there is snow on the ground!" 

 We may or may not have made it to school on time this morning, because we had to spend a few extra moments enjoying this:





And you know what else?  It has been snowing off and on all day.  Oh my!  We LOVE Snow!!!

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